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The North East Methodist History Society Spring Lecture 2024

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The North East Methodist History Society Spring Lecture 2024.


Presented by Dr. Peter Forsaith

At Roker Methodist Church, Lonsdale Road, Roker SR6 9TB
Parking available on surrounding roads.
Bus services available from Newcastle and Sunderland plus 10-15min walk.

Saturday 13th April 2024. 2.30pm.
Light refreshments will be available £5.
Please book and pay in advance to Tel.01434 608733by 1st. April 2024

All are welcome. Admission £2 for non-members

The North East Methodist History Society was formed over fifty years ago to provide a forum for those interested in Methodist History in the North East. With 100 members, drawn mainly from the region, it holds two major regional meetings each year and publishes a much-respected Bulletin to be found in local record offices and libraries. The Society also has a substantial collection of historical books and pamphlets housed in the Lit and Phil Library in Newcastle. A web site can be found at

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Registered Charity No. 1133814