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The Methodist Church is thrilled to announce the launch of wholehearted monthly, a free, online mission series starting in March on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm – 9:00pm.
People from all traditions and countries are welcome.

What is wholehearted monthly? Think community organising rally meets immersive spiritual laboratory. It's for anyone committed to a vibrant friendship between "Church" and "World" -- and a desire for both to flourish. Each month, testimony from local innovators, input from a renowned guest speaker, and wisdom-sharing in networks around Gospel justice, inclusion, evangelism, and growth.

Speakers for the first three gatherings are now public!

Nadia Bolz-Weber is a best-selling author, public theologian and pastor, and is the founder and church planter of House for All Sinners and Saints. (Tuesday 11 March)

Rowan Williams is a theologian, poet and former Archbishop of Canterbury, and is author of fifty books on literature, politics, and being Christian. (Tuesday 8 April)

Chine McDonald is a writer, broadcaster and author, and is Director of Theos, the religion and society think tank. (Tuesday 13 May)

Get your seat at the online table here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wholehearted-monthly-tickets-1082365166349?aff=evangelismgrowth

Hosted by The Methodist Church in Britain and open to all.

© 2025 – Darlington Methodist District
Registered Charity No. 1133814