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Information For Local Lay Pastors

It would be aimed primarily at volunteers and would sit alongside existing patterns of circuit ministry (i.e. ordained staff and lay employees) and work with them collaboratively.

  • The role of Local Lay Pastors is complementary to ordained ministry, and it is a vocation which also requires discernment.
  • The Circuit Meeting would nominate individuals as Local Lay Pastors who would then go to a District Discernment Panel. Any nominee must have completed the Advanced module of safeguarding training.
  • Appointments would be time limited to 3 years initially with a possible extension by another 3 years. After 6 years it would be expected that the role would either cease or a Local Lay Pastor would move to a different setting. Local Lay Pastors will be licensed for this period of time.

Learning and Development

This would have some of the following features:

  • An induction programme and possibly weekends away, plus a shared learning community.
  • Focuses on the learning:personal spirituality and discipleship (Methodist Way of Life),Methodist identity and mission, pastoral care, theological reflection, collaborative ministry and supervisee training.
  • Wesley Study Centre accredited or audited formal study
  • Cliff College certificates

Community of Practice

The Local Lay Pastor would be part of a continuing community of practice with other LLPs.



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Darlington Methodist District Office
Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South

© 2025 – Darlington Methodist District
Registered Charity No. 1133814