It would be aimed primarily at volunteers and would sit alongside existing patterns of circuit ministry (i.e. ordained staff and lay employees) and work with them collaboratively.
- The role of Local Lay Pastors is complementary to ordained ministry, and it is a vocation which also requires discernment.
- The Circuit Meeting would nominate individuals as Local Lay Pastors who would then go to a District Discernment Panel. Any nominee must have completed the Advanced module of safeguarding training.
- Appointments would be time limited to 3 years initially with a possible extension by another 3 years. After 6 years it would be expected that the role would either cease or a Local Lay Pastor would move to a different setting. Local Lay Pastors will be licensed for this period of time.
Learning and Development
This would have some of the following features:
- An induction programme and possibly weekends away, plus a shared learning community.
- Focuses on the learning:personal spirituality and discipleship (Methodist Way of Life),Methodist identity and mission, pastoral care, theological reflection, collaborative ministry and supervisee training.
- Wesley Study Centre accredited or audited formal study
- Cliff College certificates
Community of Practice
The Local Lay Pastor would be part of a continuing community of practice with other LLPs.