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Ministry Across Generations

3Generate Children, Family & Youth Work Action for Children Methodist Homes (MHA)

3 Generate

3Generate, the children's and youth assembly of the Methodist Church, aims to create an inclusive and diverse space* for the prophetic voice of children and young people to emerge and be heard. It enables them to speak courageously, and listen to God and each other. Through the 3Generate process, children and young peopleare equipped to become participants in advocacy, change and growth and have an impact in their local Methodist communities. 3Generate calls the Church to listen to, and be in relationship and dialogue with and amongst, children and young people, so that change can happen together as a community.

3Generate is open to 8 – 23 year olds.
4 to 7 year olds and their parents/carers or significant adults are invited to attend on Saturday 5th October into their own 3Generate space.

Enquiries: 3Generate@methodistchurch.org.uk
3Generate Website

Attending 3Generate 2024

2024 – Tickets are now on sale.
4-6 October at the NEC, Birmingham
In you would like to attend this year's event further details can be found here.

Children, Family and Youth Work

Currently in the district there is a CFY strategy group who is working on a strategy that develops 3 areas of work.

EventsNurturing discipleship and leadershipNurturing and supporting workers/volunteers
3 Generate
Courageous Day
Youth weekend away
How can we ensure that CFY voice is heard in the local churches, circuits and the District and how that informs the future?
Continue to support groups going to 3Generate.
Acknowledging what work is happening and plan a strategy to how we use that information to inform churches, circuits and the District of CFY work. What do we then do with that information?
How do we need to understand the value of CFY work so that it is on every agenda e.g. mission planning, synod etc.

Courageous Day – is an annual day event that usually takes place at end of February, beginning of March. It's a day organised by all the workers of CFY across the District as a means of gathering everyone together to worship, learn and pray together. It is open to any young person from years 3 and up.

The Well
The Well Learning Hub – equipping and supporting workers

Support for faith and discipleship at home

For children and young people

For Young Adults

Action for Children

Action for Children protects and supports children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard, and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives.

Their mission is to protect and support children and young people. they do this by providing practical and emotional care and support. They make sure their voices are heard. And they campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives.

Their values are:

We're passionate about all children having a safe and happy childhood.

We're ambitious for children and young people.

We collaborate internally and externally with other organisations to get the best outcomes for children.

We're inclusive, and strive to ensure that all children are included.

Action for Children take action in three ways:

Intervention. Anyone can get trapped in poverty, abuse or violence. When we spot problems, we take action early. We step in to help children, young people and families before things get worse.

Prevention .We give young people the support they need to grow up safe and happy. Projects like The Blues Programme teach important life skills and help to build resilience. It's simple and it works.

Advocacy. Children don't have a say in many things that affect their lives. We listen to what they want. We take their concerns to the government. And we campaign for better support and resources.


Methodist Homes (MHA)

Live later life well!

MHA mission and values are to 'enable people to live later life well' by inspiring the best care and wellbeing at every stage of later life.




Contact us

Darlington Methodist District Office
Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South

© 2025 – Darlington Methodist District
Registered Charity No. 1133814