All We Can Ecumenical Partnership Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) Methodist Women in Britain North East Chinese Methodist Mission Global Relationships
'Every person's potential fulfilled'
All We Can, formally known as the Methodist Relief and Development Fund, is an international relief and development agency rooted in the Methodist Church which works to support people in marginal communities throughout the world, to enable flourishing and resilient communities. It reflects John Wesley's call to 'Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.'
More details about the work of All We Can are available at About us – All We Can.
The Darlington District is part of NECAT (North East Churches Acting Together) which celebrates the diversity of Christian presence in the North East and supports the mission and unity of the churches in our region.
The websites of some of our major partners can be found below:
The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is a partnership between the Methodist Church, Baptist Union, United Reformed Church and the Church of Scotland which works together with the partner churches for peace and justice.
The work of JPIT is focused on six hopes:
More details about JPIT's work and examples of recent reports and resources can be found at Joint Public Issues Team (
For women, for justice, for Christ
Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) is a volunteer-run charity within the Methodist Church in Britain.
Our aims are three-fold:
We do this by:
MWiB works closely with the wider Methodist Church, particularly the Global Relationships Team, and is a full member of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals form the basis of our work, activities, events and projects, and everything we do is encompassed within four areas:
The Darlington District works in partnership with the Newcastle District to support three vibrant, growing Chinese speaking congregations in Durham, Middlesbrough and Newcastle.
Details of the congregation in Durham can be found here.
Details of the congrehation in Middlesbrough can be found here.
Details of the congregation in Newcastle can be found here.
Global Relationships facilitates the enriching of relationships between Partner Churches throughout the world and the Methodist Church in Britain. More details of the work of Global Relationships can be found at Global Relationships (
The Darlington District has a close relationship with the Methodist Church in Hong Kong and the Miathene Synod of the Methodist Church in Kenya.
Darlington Methodist District Office
Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South