The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. Property plays a significant role in enabling a presence within communities. A Methodist building that is welcoming, eye-catching and that acts as a focal point for community engagement can speak powerfully of God's love. Utilising a property either by redeveloping it for social purpose or incorporating a range of social uses into an existing building is as much a part of a mission plan as preaching, worship or community evangelism.
Significant strides have been made with a number of good examples of mission in action and also valuable lessons to be taken forward in our future work.
Examples of successes include:
Please contact your District Resourcing Mission Officer for more help and guidance.
The Quinquennial Inspection Report (QI) is an essential document which assists the Circuit and Managing Trustees in the care and repair of their property. SO952 requires the Circuit to arrange for an inspection of all local property by a suitable, professionally qualified person every 5 years
Quinquennial Inspections are required for all Model Trust property including:
The Newcastle and Darlington Districts have set up a panel of Regional Quinquennial inspectors, consisting of professionals from all aspects of the building sector, including Structural engineers, Architects, conservation Architects and housing architects. Their comprehensive reports are compliant with Methodist Church Guidance.
Please contact the District Resourcing Mission Officer if you require further details.
There is substantial property guidance on the Methodist Church Website.
District Resourcing Mission Officer Maurice Aspey email contact
Darlington Methodist District Office
Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South