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Gifts Outside the Box was a Safeguarding Conference held on May 10th-16th 2021. It consisted of a week of online events to discern how we can use our gifts from God to serve others in safe and gracious ways.

It was organised by the Yorkshire North and East, Yorkshire West, Sheffield, Darlington, and Newcastle Districts.

All the session were recorded and you can find the videos and other resources here.

The Gift of Community
Monday 10th May 2021

Deacon Tracey Hume
Community Engagement Enabler, Newcastle District

  • How is the church reaching out into community situations in different ways?
  • How has this changed over the last year because of Covid-19?
  • How can we safely engage with the community?
  • How do we include the digitally poor and those on the margins of church?
The Gift of Empathy
Tuesday 11th May 2021

Deacon Eunice Attwood
Connexional Church at the Margins Officer

  • Walking with people of all ages who have experienced loss (bereavement, health, jobs etc).
  • How can we empathise with people without getting drawn in too deep?
  • How to have good boundaries in pastoral practice.
The Gift of Place
Wednesday 12th May 2021

Rev Richard Teal
President of the Methodist Conference, 2020/21

  • What does a sacred place look like now?
  • Are changes to sacred spaces still safe places?
  • How do people find a sense of place between the physical and online?
  • How do we broaden our definition of what "church" looks like?
The Gift of Confidence
Thursday 13th May 2021

Phoebe Parkin & Lynne Norman
Methodist Youth President, 2020/21 & Connexional Children, Youth and Families Officer

  • How do we learn to live with uncertainty and the anxiety it brings?
  • How do we encourage confidence and resilience in times of uncertainty?
  • Children and young people, and many others, can face uncertainty about jobs, housing, exams, and university – how can we offer support in a safe way?
The Gift of Resilience
Friday 14th May 2021

Rev Michaela Youngson
Chair of London Methodist District

  • How we nurture our own resilence in order to support others?
  • Can we use creativity to help ourselves help others?
The Gift of Togetherness
Saturday 15th May 2021

District Safeguarding Officers

  • What things could prevent individuals using their gifts?
  • Are the things within the structures and relationships within your local church that could prevent people using their gifts?
  • What will it take for people to feel safe enough to 'open up their box' and use their giftings within the church and community? How can we encourage this with people of all ages and all abilities?
  • The things holding us back from using our gifts will not automatically disappear, how can we learn to live with/work around these things?
  • How does the church being a safe space play a part in us using our gifts and what can we practically do to work towards this?
  • How can we use good safeguarding practice to give us more confidence in feeling free to use our gifts?
The Gift of Peace
Sunday 16th May 2021

Rev Stephen Lindridge
Chair of Newcastle Methodist District
With other District Chairs

  • A pre-recorded worship service to round the week off.



Contact us

Darlington Methodist District Office
Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South

© 2025 – Darlington Methodist District
Registered Charity No. 1133814