Gifts Outside the Box was a Safeguarding Conference held on May 10th-16th 2021. It consisted of a week of online events to discern how we can use our gifts from God to serve others in safe and gracious ways.
It was organised by the Yorkshire North and East, Yorkshire West, Sheffield, Darlington, and Newcastle Districts.
All the session were recorded and you can find the videos and other resources here.
Deacon Tracey Hume
Community Engagement Enabler, Newcastle District
Deacon Eunice Attwood
Connexional Church at the Margins Officer
Rev Richard Teal
President of the Methodist Conference, 2020/21
Phoebe Parkin & Lynne Norman
Methodist Youth President, 2020/21 & Connexional Children, Youth and Families Officer
Rev Michaela Youngson
Chair of London Methodist District
District Safeguarding Officers
Rev Stephen Lindridge
Chair of Newcastle Methodist District
With other District Chairs
Darlington Methodist District Office
Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South